Smart-Glazier App
The ultimate shower measurement app. Designed especially for Glaziers by the team that brought you Smart Glazier Business and Smart Glass.
Never lose a shower measurement sheet again!
When your team start using Smart-Glazier to capture their shower measurements out in the field, you will see a transformation across your business.
Record measurements
Type in your measures and your custom shower will show these. Warnings show when measurements are missing and you can easily level the top line.
Customize your layout
Change angles and panel types, add nib panels, and notches, add extra panels to suit any job.
Export your measure
Each job is different so we've got a place for you to record all the hardware specifics for each job. What hinges, glass types and finishes - it's all there.
Manage your measurement and installation teams
It’s quick and easy
It removes the need for paper measure sheets. That means no more time spent working out what that scribble actually means.
Schedule your whole team and have it instantly update on their own device
The scheduling system in Smart Glazier Business can be used to drag and drog jobs to your team members and these will be synced to their phone with full job details and a map to get there on time.
It's even more powerful if you're using Smart Glazier Business
The measurement data can be synced directly into your system. This gets rid of manual data entry and reduces errors.
Smart-Glazier App
Sick of receiving hand-drawn measurements?
There's a much better way - and it's free
Download Smart-Glazier today
Better way of doing things
High quality measurements
Many fabricators are stuck wasting time figuring out drawings and measurements instead of completing the job. When your customers start using Smart-Glazier you'll start receiving easy to read drawings, letting you get on with the job.
Works for a wide range of shower designs
Your customers will be able to design and measure showers much faster than before. They can add extra panels, nibs, notches, change angles, add transoms and record hardware details.
Built-in warnings
Smart-Glazier will warn the measurement team when they've forgotten a measure. It can also calculate a level panel measurement for them.
Customers can send you measures from anywhere
You can get all of your customers using the app. It is free to download and quick and easy to use.
Even more benefits for your customers means they will be happy to use it
Glaziers can schedule their teams and send job information out to their measurement team. Once they see what Smart-Glazier can do they'll never look back.